Readings for the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Family Activities for the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Family Activities for the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Choose one of the following activities as a way to further
reflect on the Sunday readings:
Together as a family, read the second reading
for Sunday, 1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13, before the evening meal. During the
meal, discuss one way your family will show love this week.
Talk about the problems of injustice that
family members see in your community. Talk about what you can do to bring a
Christian response to the problems you see. As a family, decide on one thing
you can do this week to show God’s love to someone in need.
Make a tree of love to remind your family of
the gift of love. Take a branch from a tree and place it in a container of dirt
or sand. Have each member of the family make something that represents one of
the qualities of love that Paul spoke about in his letter to the Corinthians.
While hanging the ornaments on the tree, talk about ways family members can put
the qualities of love into action.
Prepare a meal from another culture. Have your
children help cook the meal. Discuss how the meal is similar to and different
from meals that are common in your home. Remind family members of God’s love
for all people.